Photo Taken By: Lisa Melara
I have forever been a “Martha” in the Biblical sense from the story of Jesus, Mary and Martha in the Gospel of Luke. Jesus visits the friends, and Mary sits beside him, completely focused on his presence,
and is grateful to be close to him. She is detached from the tasks required to properly welcome him. Martha, by contrast, is frustrated. She is left to hastily prepare the house and ensure his comforts. Hospitality was important to her and her culture, and it takes effort. Jesus suggests that Mary gets it right. “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away
from her.”
I have heard that story throughout my lifetime, and often hear, “Lisa, Lisa, don’t get so wound up. Make it simple. Don’t worry about all there is to do.” My inner voice and spirit counter with, “…and yet, it has to be done, it is important, and someone needs to do it and do it well.”
I know that I will never completely transform to a Mary, mostly because I’m a very good Martha! However, like many things in life, peace is found in balance. Hospitality, and all the tasks that go with it are important, but they can be fine-tuned to be less weighty and simpler. In the end, spending time in the presence of others is the desire we all have. A wise counselor of reminded me that “doing nothing is doing something.” It’s okay to rest, take time and go slower. In our own lives, being present with others and ourselves is doing something. It is in that space and stillness that beauty and our true purpose come forth.